Ungestalt, group show curated by Elena Filipovic, Kunsthalle Basel, Switzerland
More images: Contemporary Art Daily, Art Viewer
Artists include Caroline Achaintre, Olga Balema, Joachim Bandau, Trisha Donnelly, Marcel Duchamp, Michaela Eichwald, Pakui Hardware, Florence Jung, Eric N. Mack, Liz Magor, Park McArthur, Nathalie Perrin, Tomo Savic-Gecan, Lucie Stahl, Alina Szapocznikow and Adrián Villar Rojas.
Hesitant Hand by Pakui Hardware, Kunsthalle Basel, 2017
Materials: transportation boxes, UV print on silicone membrane, NASA digital archive, heat treated plastic, silicone rubber belts, stainless steel
Photos: Philipp Hänger/Kunsthalle Basel and Pakui Hardware